Located in the Ngalia Basin – approximately 350km northwest of Alice Springs, NT, the Bigrlyi deposit is classified as a tabular sandstone-hosted uranium and vanadium deposit, occurring within the sub-vertically dipping Mt Eclipse Sandstone, which comprises a sequence of medium-to-coarse grained felspathic sandstones.
The Project is a joint venture (JV) between Energy Metals (72.39%), NT Uranium (20.82%), and Noble Investments (6.79%), with Energy Metals acting as the JV operator.
Mineralisation at Bigrlyi occurs over a strike length of approximately 11km within a series of sub-deposits, which are known from west to east as A2, A4, A7/9, and A15. The uranium mineralisation is associated with specific redox-controlled horizons within the stratigraphic sequence – particularly at the upper and lower contacts between a reduced, grey sandstone, referred to as Unit C – and overlying and underlying red-bed sandstones, referred to as Units B and D. There are additional thin zones of mineralisation within Units B and D but these are secondary in importance.
The uranium mineralisation occurs predominantly in the form of Uraninite (UO2) and Coffinite (USiO4.H2O) when fresh, and as Carnotite (K(UO2)2(VO4)2.3H2O) when oxidised.
Vanadium mineralisation, principally Montroseite ((V, Fe) O(OH)), is associated with uranium at Bigrlyi but commonly forms a broader halo around uranium mineralisation.
Resource Category | Tonnes (Millions) | U3O8 (ppm) | V2O5 (ppm) | U3O8 (Tonnes) | U3O8 (Mlbs) |
Measured | 1.69 | 1,300 | 1,010 | 2,210 | 4.87 |
Indicated | 3.75 | 1,410 | 1,410 | 5,300 | 11.7 |
Inferred | 2.5 | 1,340 | 1,230 | 3,350 | 7.39 |
Total | 7.94 | 1,370 | 1,270 | 10,900 | 23.9 |
Tonnes are metric (2204.62lbs). Figures may not total exactly due to rounding.